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I want to make it very clear before I say what I'm going to say: I MEAN THIS IN THE MOST POSITIVE WAY IMAGINABLE!!!

This feels like something I would have made when I was a kid.

Maybe not a KID-kid, but like, mid-teens. I'm not that far off from that age (I'm just in my 20s!), but it reminds me of all of the best parts of my projects from that age. A story that's more small in scope, but very character-focused, and emotionally resonant, for that reason. (You even had an emotionally stunted blonde! That's, like, my favorite type of character, ha!) It feels like something that was made... how to say... unabashedly? I'm worried that this is coming off wrong, but I mean this all so, so positively!

I think what I'm trying to say is, it feels like something I would've made as a kid in that it knows exactly what it is and what it means to do, and it does it well. I think a lot of other stories like this pad it all out with a bunch of unnecessary filler, because that's what people think makes a story "good", is when a story is very... thorough, I suppose. (Which is a pattern of thinking I've often applied to my stories, which doesn't always help.)

But we didn't need to know the exact details of the magic system, and the exact details of Cain and Sammy's backstories. We got glimpses of what we needed for the story to be effective and resonant, and our imaginations fill out the rest. That's often the best way to write a story like this. The character writing is very strong, and I just generally had a darned good time with it!


WAAAAHHHH I don't know how I came across this game but it was SO SOO..???? AHHH??? I LOVE IT LIKE SERIOUSLY. I think both Sammy and Cain need a BIIIIIG HUGG!!!!!  and the librarian is just chill like that. Anyway GREAT GAME I HAD SO MUCH FUN!! (also I personally relate to Sammy hating on doing the dusting thing, as a person who works at the library themselves I can more than agree it gets SOOOOO boring sometimes (all the time) )

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i'm so so glad you enjoyed it and thank you again for playing!! :D!! (also i'm so happy the accuracy to real-life library work was present SDJFKLSDF)





Had a lot of fun with this one. is less a RPG maker game and more a Visual Novel but it is still great, a bunch of interesting things to read, a really likable main character and a non-too-serious story make for a comfy experience overall.

I just wish the endings were a little more detailed to give proper closure (or well as much closure as possible ) but given is a FIRST Gamejam game I understand why it didn't happen.

10/10 The perfect amount of dust, keep the good work!


Thank you so much for playing my game!!

With hindsight this game definitely plays like a VN more than anything else haha, I had just bought RPGMaker and so wanted to take advantage of it, I guess! In any case, I'm really glad you enjoyed it!!

I was going for a more ambiguous ending-type deal since I have some plans to potentially use these characters in different stories, but I definitely see where you're coming from wrt a lackluster ending, and it's definitely something I'll keep in mind for the future!

Thank you so much again for playing :)